Friday, March 21, 2008


Hip Hip Hooray!!! I am so excited… You see I have 3 daughters - our oldest is 18 (Kayla) she is not really into kid stuff any longer – however our younger two ages 9 (Karly) and 6 (Kassidy) still enjoy kid stuff.

They really enjoy playing games on the computer and go to various kid friendly sites. However, they talked their AWESOME daddy into building their own custom website with fun and games on it just for them to share with others. They picked all the games. So guess what? It is up and going online. The web address is on this site they have about 18 games (they are good for all ages and family friendly) from tic tac toe to Zelda. We hope you go to the site and check it out. You’ll be sure to have loads of fun – there is also a page that you can leave them a message and let them know what you think of their site. But be nice – they are only kids…